MR. GILCHREST; (ADDED JUNE 5, 2002) MR. ISAKSON, Ms. MCCARTHY OF MISSOURI, MR. KLeczka, and MR. WAMP; (ADDED JUNE 12, 2002) MR. Davis of FLORIDA, AND MR. ANDREWS; (ADDED JUNE 17, 2002) MR. OBERSTAR, MR. CUNNINGHAM, MR. DAVIS OF ILLINOIS, MRS. CAPPS, MR. CLAY, AND MR. WU; (ADDED JUNE 19, 2002) MR. CARDIN, AND MR. BLUMENAUER; (added June 21, 2002) MR. LUTHER; (ADDED JUNE 24, 2002) Ms. MCCOLLUM, MR. BOEHLERT, MR. FILNER, AND MR. SCHROCK; (ADDED JUNE 26, 2002) MR. BORSKI; (added JULY 9, 2002) MRS. DAVIS OF CALIFORNIA, MR. TOWNS, MR. MCHUGH, AND MR. SERRANO Honoring the American Zoo and Aquarium Association and its accredited member institutions for their continued service to animal welfare, conservation education, conservation research, and wildlife conservation programs. (Referred to the Committee on Resources, and in addition to the Committee on Agriculture.) June 3, 2002.-Referred to Subcommittee on Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans, Committee on Resources. June 4, 2002.-Referred to Subcommittee on Livestock and Horticulture. Committee on Agriculture. June 20, 2002.-Forwarded by Subcommittee on Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife, and Oceans, to Full Committee on Resources by unanimous consent. June 26, 2002.-Mark-up session held, Committee on Resources. June 26, 2002.-Ordered reported by unanimous consent, Committee on Resources. July 11, 2002.-Reported to the House by Committee on Resources, H. Rept. 107-565, Part I. July 11, 2002.-Committee on Agriculture granted an extension for further consideration ending not later than July 11, 2002. July 11, 2002.-Committee on Agriculture discharged by unani mous consent. July 11, 2002.-Placed on House Calendar No: 189. July 15, 2002.-Called up by House under suspension of rules. July 15, 2002.-Resolution agreed to in House by voice vote. July 16, 2002.-Received in Senate. July 16, 2002.-Referred to Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. MR. POMEROY, MR. STENHOLM, MR. PETERSON OF MINNESOTA, MR. THUNE, MR. BISHOP, MR. SIMPSON, Ms. BALDWIN, MR. BALDACCI, AND MR. BOSWELL; (ADDED SEPT. 9, 2002) MR. KIND, MR. OBEY, MR. KUCINICH, MR. BONIOR, MR. LUCAS OF KENTUCKY, MR. MORAN OF KANSAS, MR. HINCHEY, MR. GUTKNECHT, MR. SMITH OF MICHIGAN, MR. KENNEDY OF MINNESOTA, MRS. CLAYTON, AND MR. HILLIARD; (ADDED SEPT. 17, 2002) MR. KILDEE, MR. SANDERS, MR. GEKAS, MR. OTTER, MR. MCINNIS, MR. LAHOOD, AND MRS. CUBIN; (ADDED SEPT. 18, 2002) MR. THOMPSON OF MISSISSIPPI, Ms. KAPTUR, MR. BOYD, MR. MCNULTY, MR. JOHNSON OF ILLINOIS, AND MR. Oberstar; (added Sept. 19, 2002) MR. BROWN OF OHIO, MR. FILNER, MR. SANDLIN, MR. FROST, MR. MATHESON, AND MS. MCCOLLUM; (ADDED SEPT. 26, 2002) MR. RODRIGUEZ, MR. MCGOVERN, MRS. JONES OF OHIO, MR. WYNN, MR. ENGLISH, MR. PETERSON OF PENNSYLVANIA, MR. PHELPS, AND MR. PLATTS; (ADDED OCT. 1, 2002) MR. DINGELL, MR. ALLEN, MR. VISCLOSKY, AND MS. MCCARTHY OF MISSOURI; (added Oct. 3, 2002) MR. UDALL OF COLORADO, AND MR. STUPAK MRS. NORTHUP, MRS. JOHNSON OF CONNECTICUT, MR. Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the 107th Congress should complete action on and present to the President, before September 30, 2002, legislation extending and strengthening the successful 1996 welfare reforms. Related bill(s): H. Res. 527. (Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and in addition to the Committees on Energy and Commerce, Education and the Workforce, Agriculture, and Financial Services.) September 19, 2002.-Referred to Subcommittee on Department Operations, Oversight, Nutrition, and Forestry. Committee on Agriculture. September 19, 2002.-Rule passed House. September 19, 2002.-Called up by House by rule. September 19, 2002.-Considered by House unfinished business. September 19, 2002.-Resolution agreed to in House by record vote (280 yeas-123 nays). SENATE BILLS S. 14 Nov. 20, 2002 MR. THURMOND, MR. HELMS, MR. HOLLINGS, MR. MILLER, MR. WARNER, AND MR. ALLEN To amend the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 to extend the farm reconstitution provision to the 2003 and 2004 crops. (Referred solely to the Committee on Agriculture.) November 20, 2002.-Passed Senate by unanimous consent. November 22, 2002.-Referred to House Committee on Agriculture. November 22, 2002.-Referred to Subcommittee on Specialty Crops and Foreign Agriculture Programs. MR. KERRY, MR. LIEBERMAN, MS. SNOWE, MR. BINGAMAN, MS. LANDRIEU, MR. JOHNSON, MR. DOMENICI, MR. LEVIN, MR. WELLSTONE, MR. JEFFORDS, MR. HARKIN, MR. SCHUMER, MRS. CLINTON, MR. KOHL, MR. EDWARDS, MR. LEAHY, MR. BAUCUS, MS. COLLINS, MR. SMITH OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, MR. DODD, MR. CHAFEE, AND MR. BAYH; (ADDED FEB. 13, 2001) MR. KENNEDY, MR. INOUYE, MR. DASCHLE, MR. BOND, AND MR. REED; (ADDED FEB. 15, 2001) MR. CORZINE, AND MR. TORRICELLI; (ADDED FEB. 26, 2001) MR. AKAKA; (Added Feb. 28, 2001) MRS. CANTWELL, AND MRS. MURRAY; (ADDED MAR. 1, 2001) MR. CLELAND; (ADDED MAR. 6, 2001) MR. ENZI; (ADDED MAR. 26, 2001) MR. SPECTER To provide emergency relief to small businesses affected by significant increases in the prices of heating oil, natural gas, propane, and kerosene, and for other purposes. Related bill(s): H.R. 1010. (Referred to the Senate Committee on Small Business.) March 21, 2001.-Ordered reported, as amended, to Senate by consent. March 27, 2001.-Referred to the House Committee on Small Business, and in addition to the House Committee on Agriculture. May 17, 2001.-Referred to Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, Rural Development, and Research. Committee on Agriculture. MR. BINGAMAN, MR. DOMENICI, AND MRS. MURRAY; (ADDED MAR. 20, 2001) MR. CRAPO To authorize funding the Department of Energy to enhance its mission areas through technology transfer and partnerships for fiscal years 2002 through 2006, and for other purposes. "National Laboratories Partnership Improvement Act of 2001." Related bill(s): H.R. 4, S. 259 (Referred Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.) March 12, 2001.-Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. May 16, 2001.-Ordered favorably reported without amendment, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. June 5, 2001.-Reported without amendment, S. Rept. 107-30, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. June 5, 2001.-Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders, Calendar No: 65. February 15, 2002.-Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent. March 5, 2002.-Considered by Senate. April 24, 2002.-Considered by Senate. April 25, 2002.-Considered by Senate. April 25, 2002.-Senate incorporated this measure in H.R. 4 as an amendment. April 25, 2002.-Senate passed related measure, H.R. 4, in lieu of this measure by record vote, (88 yeas-11 nays). April 25, 2002.-Returned to Calendar. Calendar No: 65. Mar. 29, 2001 MR. LUGAR AND MR. HARKin; (added MAY 22, 2001) MR. CLELAND, MR. ALLARD, MR. JOHNSON, MR. SCHUMER, MR. LEAHY, MR. KENNEDY, MR. FEINGOLD, MR. BINGAMAN, MR. CRAIG, MR. MCCONNELL, MS. STABENOW, MR. NELSON OF NEBRASKA, MR. BREAUX, MR. CONRAD, MR. DAYTON, AND MR. COCHRAN; (ADDED MAY 24, 2001) MR. THOMAS, MR. ROBERTS, MR. MILLER, AND MR. CRAPO; (ADDED JUNE 13, 2001) MR. DORGAN, MR. DASCHLE, MR. BAUCUS, MR. HELMS, MR. FITZGERALD, MR. HAGEL, Mr. Wyden, and Mr. BOND; (ADDED JUNE 19, 2001) MRS. LINCOLN, MR. HUTCHINSON, AND MR. GRASSLEY; (ADDED JULY 9, 2001) MR. BUNNING To authorize funding for the National 4-H Program Centennial Initiative. Related bill(s): H.R. 1388. (Referred to the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.) June 19, 2001.-Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry discharged by unanimous consent. June 19, 2001.-Measure laid before Senate by unanimous con sent. June 19, 2001.-Passed Senate, as amended, by unanimous con sent. June 20, 2001.-Referred to House Committee on Agriculture. June 25, 2001.-Called up by House under suspension of rules. April 4, 2001.-Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar. April 5, 2001.-Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders, Calendar No: 31. April 5, 2001.-Measure laid before Senate by unanimous con sent. April 5, 2001.-Passed Senate, as amended, by unanimous con sent. April 24, 2001.-Received in the House. April 24, 2001.-Held at the desk. May 9, 2001.-Mr. Everett asked unanimous consent to take from the Speaker's table and consider. May 9, 2001.-Considered by unanimous consent. May 9, 2001.-Passed without objection. May 9, 2001.-Motion to reconsider laid upon the table, agreed to without objection. May 9, 2001.-Cleared for White House. May 24, 2001.-Became Public Law 107-9. MRS. BOXER June 7, 2001 To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to conduct research, monitoring, management, treatment, and outreach activities relating to sudden oak death syndrome and to establish a Sudden Ŏak Death Syndrome Advisory Committee. "Sudden Oak Death Syndrome Control Act of 2002." Related bill(s): H.R. 2144. (Referred to the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, and in addition to the House Committee on Agriculture.) July 10, 2002.-Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry discharged by unanimous consent. July 10, 2002.-Passed Senate by unanimous consent. July 11, 2002.-Referred to House Committee on Agriculture. July 15, 2002.-Referred to Subcommittee on Department Operations, Oversight, Nutrition, and Forestry. Committee on Agriculture. July 15, 2002.-Referred to Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, Rural Development, and Research. Committee on Agriculture. July 15, 2002.-Referred to Subcommittee on Livestock and Horticulture. Committee on Agriculture. |