Lapas attēli


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July 30, 2001.-Referred to Subcommittee on Aviation; Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management; Subcommittee on Highways and Transit; Subcommittee on Railroads; and Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

July 31, 2001.-Referred to the Subcommittee on Energy and Air
Quality, Committee on Energy and Commerce.
August 1, 2001.-H. Res. 216 reported to House.
August 1, 2001.-H. Res. 216 passed House.
August 1, 2001.-Considered under H. Res. 216.

August 1, 2001.-House adopted the amendments en gross as
agreed to by the Commmittee of the Whole House.
August 2, 2001.-On motion to recommit, failed by record vote,
(206 yeas-223 nays).

August 2, 2001.-Passed by record vote, (240 yeas-189 nays). August 2, 2001.-Motion to reconsider laid on the table. Agreed to without objection.

August 2, 2001.-Received in the Senate.

August 3, 2001.-Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under read the first time.

September 4, 2001.-Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No: 145.

April 25, 2002.-Measure laid before the Senate by unanimous


April 25, 2002.-Senate struck all after the enacting clause and substituted the language of S. 517, amended.

April 25, 2002.-Passed Senate in lieu of S. 517 with an amendment by record vote, (88 yeas-11 nays).

April 25, 2002.-Senate insisted on its amendment and requested a conference.

April 26, 2002.-Senate ordered measure printed as passed.
May 1, 2002.-Senate appointed conferees: Bingaman, Hollings,
Baucus, Kerry, Rockefeller, Breaux, Reid, Jeffords,
Lieberman, Murkowski, Domenici, Grassley, Nickles, Lott,
Craig, Campbell, and Thomas.

June 12, 2002.-Mr. Barton asked unanimous consent that the House disagree to the Senate amendment and agree to a conference.

June 12, 2002.-On motion that the House disagree to the Senate amendment and agree to a conference, agreed to without objection.

June 12, 2002.-On motion that the House instruct conferees, agreed to by record vote, (412 yeas-1 nay-2 present).

June 12, 2002.-Motion to reconsider laid on the table, agreed to without objection.

June 12, 2002.-The Speaker appointed conferees from the Committee on Energy and Commerce for consideration of the House bill and the Senate amendment, and modifications: Tauzin, Bilirakis, Barton, Upton, Stearns, Gillmor, Burr, Dingell, Waxman, Markey, Boucher, Gordon, and Rush. June 12, 2002.-The Speaker appointed conferees from the Committee on Agriculture for consideration of sections 401 and 6305 of the House bill and sections 265, 301, 604, 941-948, 950, 1103, 1221, 1311-1313, and 2008 of the Senate amendment, and modifications: Combest, Lucas (OK), and Stenholm.

June 12, 2002.-The Speaker appointed conferees from the Committee on Armed Services for consdieration of sections 401 and 6305 of the House bill and sections 301, 501-507, 509, 513, 809, 821, 914, 920, 1401, 1407-1409, 1411, 1801, and 1803 of the Senate amendment, and modifications: Stump, Weldon (PA), and Skelton.

June 12, 2002.-The Speaker appointed conferees from the Committee on the Budget for consideration of section 1013 of the Senate amendment, and modifications: Nussle, Gutknecht, and Moore.

June 12, 2002.-The Speaker appointed conferees from the Committee on Education and the Workforce for consideration of section 134 of the House bill and sections 715, 774, 901, 903, 1505, and 1507 of the Senate amendment, and modifications: McLeon, Norwood, and Miller (CA).

June 12, 2002.-The Speaker appointed conferees from the Committee on Financial Services for consideration of Division D of the House bill and sections 931-940 and 950 of the Senate amendment, and modifications: Oxley, Roukema, and LaFalce.

June 12, 2002.-The Speaker appointed conferees from the Committee on the Judiciary for consideration of sections 206, 209, 253, 531, 532, 708, 767, 783, and 1109 of the Senate amendment, and modifications: Sensenbrenner, Smith (TX), and Conyers.

June 12, 2002.-The Speaker appointed conferees from the Committee on Resources for consideration of sections 401, 2441-2451, 6001-6234, and 6301-6801 of the House bill and sections 201, 265, 272, 301, 401-407, 602-606, 609, 612, 705, 707, 712, 721, 1234, 1351-1352, 1704, and 1811 of the Senate amendment, and modifications: Hansen, Cubin, and Rahall. June 12, 2002.-The Speaker provided that Mr. Miller (CA) is appointed in lieu of Mr. Rahall for consideration of sections 6501-6512 of the House bill, and modifications.

June 12, 2002.-The Speaker appointed conferees from the Committee on Science for consideration of sections 125, 152, 305-306, 801, Division B, Division E, and section 6512 of the House bill and sections 501-507, 509, 513-516, 770-772, 807-809, 814-816, 824, 832, 1001-1022, Title XI, Title XII, Title XIII, Title XIV, sections 1502, 1504-1505, Title XVI, and sections 1801-1805 of the Senate amendment, and modifications: Boehlert, Bartlett, and Hall (TX).

June 12, 2002.-The Speaker provided that Mr. Costello is appointed in lieu of Mr. Hall (TX) for consideration of Division E of the House bill, and modifications.

June 12, 2002.-The Speaker provided that Ms. Woolsey is appointed in lieu of Mr. Hall (TX) for consideration of sections 2001-2178 and 2201-2261 of Divison B of the House bill, and modifications.

June 12, 2002.-The Speaker appointed conferees from the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure for consideration of sections 121-126, 151, 152, 401, 701, 2101-2105, 2141-2144, 6104, 6507, and 6509 of the House bill and sections 102, 201, 205, 301, 701-783, 812, 814, 816, 823, 911-916, 918-920, 949, 1214, 1261-1262, and 1351-1352 of the Senate amendment, and modifications: Young (AK), Petri, and Oberstar.

June 12, 2002.-The Speaker provided that Mr. Costello is appointed in lieu of Mr. Oberstar for consideration of sections 121-126 of the House bill and sections 911-916 of the Senate amendment, and modifications.

June 12, 2002.-The Speaker provided that Mr. Borski is appointed in lieu of Mr. Oberstar for consideration of sections 151, 2101-2105, and 2141-2144 of the House bill and sections 812, 814, and 816 of the Senate amendment, and modifications.

June 12, 2002.-The Speaker provided that Mr. DeFazio is appointed in lieu of Mr. Oberstar for consideration of section 401 of the House bill and sections 201, 205, 301, 1262, and 1351-1352 of the Senate amendment, and modifications. June 12, 2002.-The Speaker appointed conferees from the Committee on Ways and Means for consideration of Divison C of the House bill and Division H and I of the Senate amendment, and modifications: Thomas, McCreery, and Rangel.

June 12, 2002.-The Speaker appointed a conferee for consideration of the House bill and Senate amendment, and modifications: DeLay.

June 27, 2002.-Conference held.
July 25, 2002.-Conference held.
September 12, 2002.-Conference held.

September 19, 2002.-Conference held.

September 25, 2002.-Conference held.
September 26, 2002.-Conference held.
October 2, 2002.-Conference held.

October 3, 2002.-The Speaker appointed a Conferee in addition to the appointment from the Committee on Resources, for consideration of the House bill and the Senate amendment, and modificiations committed to the Conference: Cubin. October 3, 2002.-Conference held.

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