Legislative Branch Appropriations for 1993: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Second Congress, Second Session, 1. daļa

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232. lappuse - ... to the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources and the House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs for a 60-day waiting period prior to award.
354. lappuse - Before the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce on HR 1725 The Food Safety Amendments of 1989 May 31, 1989 Mr.
321. lappuse - American people- -including the Department of Health and Human Services, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration—be given the primary responsibility and funding authority to conduct radiation health research.
154. lappuse - Service program, the Superintendent of Documents assembles and distributes the official exchange sets for the United States. The Library of Congress receives and houses the official publications of the other nations. The Joint Committee on Printing and the Joint Committee on the Library provide oversight.
963. lappuse - Miscellaneous Publications. — This item includes printed matter such as the Congressional Directory, Senate and House Journals, memorial addresses of Members, nominations, United States Code and supplements, and publications not carrying a document or report number, such as laws, treaties, committee prints, and similar publications. The expenditures for miscellaneous publications for the fiscal year 1968 were $2,522,341 for 3,572,315 copies, making 84,764 pages and included...
331. lappuse - HR 9366; a bill to amend the social security act and the internal revenue code so as to...
274. lappuse - ... newspapers, etc.; pamphlets and leaflets or minor publications having an expected useful life of less than one year and that are not for the permanent collection; and ADP supplies (eg, computer disks, tapes, or off-the-shelf software). 31 Equipment Obligations for personal property or equipment that is of a durable nature which normally may be expected to have a period of service of a year or more after purchase without material Impairment of its physical condition, such as: (1) major purchased...
964. lappuse - Documents. — This heading includes all classes of Senate and House documents ordered printed by Congress which carry a congressional number, such as annual reports, engineers...
289. lappuse - Next, the study will describe current forecasts for the next 15 to 25 years and identify their underlying assumptions. The study will then identify and evaluate the primary sources of technical uncertainties in the forecasts. The sources of technical uncertainty include: economic growth rates and patterns; new energy supply, conservation, and end use technologies; geologic uncertainties about available oil and gas resources; consumer reactions to lower energy prices, and other aspects of public and...
220. lappuse - Provided further. That none of the funds in this Act shall be available for salaries...

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