Lapas attēli









Alcohol and Creative Work, 125

And or But at Beginning of Sentence, 149
Author, Baiting an, McCorkendale, 18, 33
Authors, Encouragement for, 53
Authors, More Bait for, Nichols, 67

Authors, Still More Bait for, Fosdick, 83
Authors, Suggestions to, 71

Authors, Tested Recipes for Busy, 41
Authors, Traps Set for, Fosdick, 178
Authors' Blunders, 11I

Authors' Fund, 103

Authors' Royalties, 40

Authorship by Proxy, Hancock, 181

Ball, William David, 156

Barbour, Ralph Henry, II

Barr, Amelia E., 173

Bender, A. Lincoln, 77

Blasco Ibáñez, The Name of, 120

Book Reviews, 14, 46, 60, 77, 141, 157, 173, 186

Booth, Edna Mary, 140

Bryan, Janet Allan, 170

Burnham, Clara Louise, 124, 165

California's Poet Laureate, 150

Campbell, Marjorie Prentiss. 140

Collaboration in Playwriting, 126

Coolbrith, Ina, 150

Common Errors in Writing Corrected, Hughes, 3, 98, 177

Copyright, Canadian Reform, 110

Cook, Albert J., 10

Cosmos Magazine, et als., The, 18, 33, 52, 65, 67, 83,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

III, 127, 143, 158, 174, 187

Literary Digest

Strike, 164

under the New York Printers'

Literary Form, New Discovered, Glick, 97

Literary Shop Talk, 6, 41, 53, 71, 89, 103, 121, 150, 181 McCorkendale, Allan, Baiting an Author, 18, 33

Mabie, Louise Kennedy, 29

Magazine English, 5

Magazine Rates, Increase Required, 148

Mann, Robert S., Writing for Newspapers, 129 Manuscript Market, The, 8, 27, 42, 53, 73, 89, 103, 121, 135, 151, 166, 183

Manuscripts, Abandoned, 59

Manuscripts, Defacing, 3

Manuscripts, Envelopes of Abnormal Size for Return of, 165

Manuscripts, Prices for, 150

Manuscripts Revamped, Gale, 145

Manuscripts, The Rest Cure for, Vance, 89, Gale, 145 Manuscripts, What Kind the Publishers Want Now, 70, 71, 73

Marble, Thomas L., The Mechanism of the Novel, 1, 22, 35, 49, 65, 81

Mills, Dorothy, 30

Missouri Writers' Guild, 150

Musical Composition, A, What It Is, 166

Music Publishing, 120, 166

Necrology, 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176,


Neetups, 181

News and Notes, 15, 31, 48, 64, 79, 95, 112, 127, 144, 159, 175, 187

Newspaper Work, The Features of, 70

Newspapers, Writing for, Mann, 129

Nichols, Beth, More Bait for Authors, 67

Novel, The Mechanism of the, Marble, 1, 22, 35, 49, 65, 81

Novels, Well Known, Reduced to 1,000 Words, 102 Novel Writing, Canons of, Johnson, 161

Overton, Grant M., What Every Publisher Knows,


Patterson, Elizabeth, 57

Pemberton, Arthur, A Proofreader's Tribulations,

117, 181

Pencil Pictures, White, 146

Personal Gossip About Authors, 11, 57, 94, 124, 171 Phrases, Worn-out, 125

Plagiarism Exposed, 103

Playwriting in Collaboration, Multiple, 126

Poem, Analyzed, 72

Poem, How One Cabled Looks, 109

Poem, The Longest, 13

Poetry, Prizes for, 6, 109

Poetry, Words and Metres in, 110

Poets, Misinformed, 173

Pomeroy, Ethel M., 182

Postal Laws, Absurdities of, 5, 134

Prices Paid for Manuscripts, 150

Prize Offers, Too Short Limitations of Time on, 148


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