The information for this Directory, showing the manuscript market and the manuscript requirements of many publications, has been gathered directly from the editors of the periodicals, and is strictly up to date. The second printing of the Directory, which is constantly being revised and enlarged, began in THE WRITER for February, 1916, and a three-years' subscription beginning with July, 1916, will give the Directory complete, together with much other valu able matter. The third printing is now in progress. Before submitting manuscripts to any publication, it is advisable to secure a sample copy. (Continued from the December WRITER.) Humanitarian (M), 266 West End ave., New York. $2.00 20c. Misha Appelbaum, editor; W. W. Young, associate editor. Uses verse and prose on humanitarian and progressive subjects. Limits articles to from 2,500 to 3,000 words. Buys no photographs, and prints no fiction. At present does not pay for contributions, but hopes to do so later. Hunter-Trader-Trapper (M), 55 East Main st., Columbus, Ohio. $1.50; 20c. O. Kuechler, editor. Buys very few manuscripts, as most of its articles are contributed gratis by readers of the magazine. Has an abundance of material on hand at present. Illustrated Sunday Magazine (W), 95 Main st., Buffalo, N. Y. Publication discontinued. Illustrated World (M), formerly Technical World 58th st. and Drexel ave., Chicago. $1.50; 15c. William T. Walsh, editor. Prints articles that are of direct service to the reader; of direct service in his business, in the building or care of his home, or in his pleasures.. This covers a broad field - mechanical devices, practical psychology, how to get on in business, inspirational self-help articles all are covered. Sets length limit at from 100 to 2,500 words. Does not print fiction or verse, but buys photographs, printing 200 a month. Has departments for "Science, Mechanics, Inventions," and "Little Oddities of Life." Pays upon acceptance. Impressions (A Magazine of Diverting Originality) (M), 401 West 118th st., New York. $1.50; 15c. Lewis F. Levenson, Roy L. Mangum, and Jess Hiller, editors. ar verse; Does not pay for contributions, but uses ticles on pertinent questions; satire ; storiettes, vignettes; epigrams; essays on drama, art, and literature; short humor; short one-act plays; and unusual short stories, either exceptionally bright or morbid - stories that do not appeal to the ordinary editor. Sets length limits at 3,000 words, and does not buy photographs. Improvement Era (M), 20 Bishops' Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. $2.00; 20c. Edward H. Anderson, associate editor. Prints general articles, short stories, poetry, and jokes, as well as photographs, and has special departments; but buys only short stories. Sets length limits at from 1,000 to 3,000 words, and pays on acceptance. Independent (W), 119 West 40th st., New York. Hamilton Holt, editor. $4.00; 10C. Prints general articles and poetry, but no fiction. Sets length limit at 3,000 words, but prefers articles of from 600 to 2,500 words. Buys photographs, and pays a cent a word on publica tion. Indiana Farmers' Guide (Combination of Farmers' Guide and the Indiana Farmer), (W), Huntington, Indiana. $1.00; 5c. T. L. Wheeler, editor. managing editor: Mr Vaughn, Mr. Lake, Mr. Henderson, associate editors. Uses articles on manual training, vocational education, household arts, vocational guidance, and general articles on the industrial arts which. have a relation to education. Also articles on school art and mechanical drawing; in fact any thing that has a bearing on education in the industrial arts. Sets no length limit, but prefers articles of not more than 3,000 words. Prints no fiction; buys photographs; and pays on publication. Inland Printer (M), Chicago, Ill., Harry Hillman. editor. A trade paper for printers. Insurance Critic (M), 95 William st., New York. $3.00; 25e. W. E, Underwood, editor. An insurance trade journal. Inter-America (M), 407 West 117th st., New York. A magazine founded by the Carnegie Endow ment for International Peace, and published by. Doubleday, Page, & Co. English and Spanish. numbers alternate monthly, the Spanish numbers being made up of articles from the periodical literature of the United States, and the English numbers of similar articles from Spanish and Portuguese periodical literature. International Magazine (M), 1123 Broadway, New York. $1.50: 15c. Suspended publication. International Digest (Succeeding the National De fense Digest) (M), 304 Madison ave., New York. $1.00; 10C. William J. Hartford, editor. Suspended publication January, 1918. International Studio (M), 120 West 32d st., New York. $5.00; 50c. W. H. de B. Nelson, director. Uses only such material as embraces American art, that is to say, painting, sculpture, architecture, etc., done by American artists. Prints no fiction and no poetry. Buys photographs only with articles. Sets length limit at from 500 to 2,500 words, according to the subject, and pays from $10 to $50, or more. Overstocked at present. ADDITIONS AND CHANGES. Dearborn Independent (The Ford National Weekly) (W), Dearborn, Michigan. $1.00; 5c. E. G. Pipp, editor. A weekly paper in magazine form, first issue January 11, 1919. Uses general articles and short stories; jokes, if good; and juvenile matter, if good. Does not print poetry, but buys photographs, and has departments for all the family Household Hints; Fashion and Fancy Work; Sports: Financial World and Investments; Juvenile. One full page of each issue contains only articles written by Mr. Ford himself. no length limits, but prefers short manuscripts, and fiction of a character especially for women. Harper's Bazar (M), International Magazine Co., 119 West 40th st., New York. $4.00; 35C. John Chapman Hilder, editor. Sets Uses general articles, serials and short stories, but no novelettes, poetry, jokes, plays or juvenile matter. Buys photographs. Sets length limits for short stories at from 4,000 to 7,000 words; for serials, six or seven instalments of each. about 6,500 words Prefers fiction with plenty of plot and action,,, and sophistication. Does not use the "homely story. IOC. World Tomorrow (M), 118 East 28th st., New York. $1.00; Norman Thomas, managing editor; Walter G. Fuller, editorial secretary. "A Journal Looking Toward a Christian World." Established by the Fellowship of Reconciliation as a medium for the free discussion of questions relative to the interpretation of Christianity to our age and its application for the reconstruction of society. Uses short general articles discussing developments and reform in political, social, and industrial conditions national and international. Prints poetry, and makes occasional prize offers. Does not pay for manuscripts at present. Uses general articles, short stories, serials, juvenile matter, and material for the different departments; does not buy poetry. Buys photographs. Sets length limits at from 500 to 1,000 words. Pays first month after publication. Industrial-Arts Magazine (M), 129 Michigan st., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. $2.00; 25c. W. C. Bruce, The third printing of this Directory - enlarged and revised - was begun in THE WRITER for March, 1917. Back numbers can be supplied. A three-years' subscription beginning with July, 1916 ( price, $4.50 ), will give the Directory complete, with additions and changes A MONTHLY MAGAZINE TO INTEREST AND HELP ALL LITERARY WORKERS. VOL. XXXI. BOSTON, JANUARY, 1919. ENTERED AT THE BOSTON POST-OFFICE AS SECOND-CLASS MAIL MATTER CONTENTS: PAGE THE MECHANISM OF THE NOVEL: A Primer of novel is the one that merges all these varied. Jane Eyre is neither better nor worse for Professor Horne does not find "a lack of To George Eliot, on the other hand, the cardinal problem was the development of higher qualities through the testing processes of life. Silas Marner finds a little child sleep- ing on his hearth, and the hand of that little child is the hand of Destiny. Slowly but surely it leads him out of his gloomy self- centeredness and miserly greed into the sun- light of human love, of fellowship and of liberality. The plot of this novel, though comprising a distinct chain of outward events analytically interpreted and touched with emo- tion, mainly concerns the growth of the hu- man soul. Destiny is shown, not in the form of miraculous intervention, but in the logic of Hawthorne's Treatment of Sin. Haw- thorne sounded a deeper note. There are "Is he not beautiful?" said Miriam, Copyright, 1919, by WILLIAM H. HILLS. All rights reserved. still, in a deeper sense, so much the same! He has traveled in a circle, as all things heavenly and earthly do, and now comes back to his original self, with an inestimable treasure of improvement won from an experience of pain. How wonderful is this! I tremble at my own thoughts, yet must needs probe them to their depths. Was the crime in which he and I were wedded was it a blessing, in that strange disguise? Was it a means of education, bringing a simple and imperfect nature to a point of feeling and intelligence which it could have reached under no other discipline?" "You stir up deep and perilous matter, Miriam," replied Kenyon. "I dare not follow you into the unfathomable abysses whither you are tending." "Yet there is a pleasure in them! I delight to brood on the verge of this great mystery," returned she. The story of the fall of man! Is it not repeated in our romance of Monte Beni? And may we follow the analogy yet farther? Was that very sin - into which Adam precipitated himself and all his race was it the destined means by which, over a long pathway of toil and sorrow, we are to attain a higher, brighter, and profounder happiness than our last birthright gave? Will not this idea account for the permitted existence of sin, as no other theory can ?" "It is too dangerous, Miriam ! I cannot follow you!" repeated the sculptor. "Mortal man has no right to tread on the ground where you now set your feet." "At has "Ask Hilda what she thinks of it," said Miriam, with a thoughtful smile. least, she might conclude that sin which man chose instead of good been so beneficently handled by omniscience and omnipotence, that, whereas our dark enemy sought to destroy us by it, it has really become an instrument most effective in the education of intellect and soul." "The Scarlet Letter." The working of that unseen Power that moulds our destinies is nowhere more beautifully and naturally expressed than in the forest scene, where Hester Prynne, alone with Arthur Dimmesdale, has thrown aside the scarlet letter, and Pearl the living hieroglyphic, in which was revealed the secret they so darkly sought to hide" has commanded her mother to restore it to her bosom. 66 in very truth, she is right as regards this hateful token. I must bear its torture yet a little longer, only a few days longer, - until we shall have left this region, and look back hither as to a land which we have dreamed of. The forest cannot hide it! The mid-ocean shall take it from my hand, and swallow it up forever!" With these words, she advanced to the margin of the brook, took up the scarlet letter, and fastened it again into her bosom. Hopefully, but a moment ago, as Hester had spoken of drowning it in the deep sea, there was a sense of inevitable doom upon her, as she thus received back this deadly symbol from the hand of fate. She had flung it into infinite space! she had drawn an hour's free breath! and here again was the scarlet misery, glittering on the old spot! So it ever is, whether thus typified or no, that an evil deed invests itself with the character of doom. Hester next gathered up the heavy tresses of her hair, and confined them beneath her cap. As if there were a withering spell in the sad letter, her beauty, the warmth and richness of her womanhood, departed, like fading sunshine; and a gray shadow seemed to fall across her." The Novels of Hardy. This same sense of the inevitableness of things, of human desires dominated by a Superior Will, characterizes the realistic novels of Thomas Hardy; and whatever may be said in disparagement of Hardy's philosophy, there can be no question but that his principal characters are exemplars of spiritual growth. Of Tess in "Tess of the D'Urbervilles" the Folletts have said : She is an inspiring picture of the fortitude of the human soul expressing itself in the virtues of steadfastness, obstinate devotion, and self-effacement." And again" She is a pure woman faithfully presented' in her struggle against all the impurities in the world." "The Octopus." Some of our more recent writers have practically personified the evolutionary principle, making it the vital and all-embracing power within the novel. Howells has said of "The Octopus": "The play of an imagination fed by a rich consciousness of the mystical relations of nature and human nature, the body and the soul of earthly life, steeps the whole theme in an odor of common growth. It is as if the |