UAF classification of personnel to be employed.. University affiliated facility program_. University of Kansas Medical Center_ Medical Facilities Guarantee and Loan Fund. Possible defaults-- Program authorization____ Budget request, purpose. Statutory requirement-- National Institutes of Health: National Cancer Institute_ Language changes_. Justification Office of Education: Higher Education__ 1082 1081 1071 323 325 323 324 323 324 325 1149 1149 1151 1151 1113 Elementary and Secondary Education, Title I, ESEA. 1141 Forward funding.... 1124 Justification ---. 1113 Opportunity grants and college work-study, funding for. Supplemental request, criteria for projects---- Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands: American-Japanese executed agreement, provisions of- Japanese contribution, form of.. Justification Micronesian Claims Commission_.. Staff Qualification for war damage payments--- 16 18 5 6 35 41 35 41 5 35 34 1 34 18 16 18 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Federal Prison System.. 576 Javits, Sen. Jacob K., letter_ Supplemental request, timing of-- Justifications National League of Cities and U.S. Conference of Mayors__. Letters and statement of__ Neighborhood Youth Corps‒‒‒‒ Economically disadvantaged youth___. National Alliance of Businessmen, letter_. Funding allocation to States.. Hart, Sen. Philip A., statement_ Program planning- 277 257 280 280 261, 1091 1101 1102 266 1107 1092 262 Reduction to 9-week program__. 1102 Federal Aviation Administration_---- 984 976 984 837 Additional payments to airport and airway trust fund_ 837 839 Investment of surplus trust funds, plans for- 840 Justification 837 Sky guard program.. 838 Trust fund balance... 840 U.S. Coast Guard.. 755, 833 Additional safety patrol funding- 765, 773 Allocation formula___ 781 Boating accident statistics____. 762 Coast Guard cutters, decommissioning of.... 775 774 777 797 760 775 761 833 755 765 Personnel reductions and savings_ 833 Reserve training_-. 833 Senator Pastore's letter, reply to.. 772 Summary title on pay increases.. 834 779 770 |