Realignment of American Memory Positions
Anticipating the transformation of the American Memory program as mandated by
the Library has already realigned ten (10) of the American Memory staff
members to other positions within the Library. Collections Service has placed five (5)
with arrearage reduction efforts and other divisional activities.
staff members in positions in three (3) of its custodial divisions to assist primarily
The Music Division
received one (1) GS-12 Librarian, the Prints and Photographs Division two (2) GS-07
Processing Assistants and one (1) GS-12 Cataloger, and the Motion
Picture/Broadcasting/Recorded Sound Division one (1) GS-12 Reference Librarian.
positions in Collections Services.
Fiscal 1994 American Memory funds are available to support these five (5)
However, since Congress has not authorized funds
specifically for American Memory beyond fiscal 1994, the Library requests $235,000 to
support the salaries and benefits of five (5) positions in fiscal 1995. The absorption
of locality pay and the resultant severe fiscal constraints preclude Collections
further deterioration in services.
Services from absorbing the cost of these five (5) positions in fiscal 1995 without a