*FY 1995 PAYROLL ESTIMATE INCLUDES PERSONNEL COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS, INCLUDING TEMPORARY EMDYMENT AS OF 10/21/93; EXCLUDES ALL CONTRACTUAL PERSONNEL. **EXCLUDES VALUE OF LAND ESTIMATED AT $3.2 BILLION. 1.9 •FY 1995 PAYROLL ESTIMATE INCLUDES PERSONNEL COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS, INCLUDING TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT AS OF 10/21/93; EXCLUDES ALL CONTRACTUAL PERSONNEL. **EXCLUDES VALUE OF LAND ESTIMATED AT $3.2 BILLION. 1.12 EXPLANATION OF AOC PRIORITIZATION SCHEDULE FISCAL YEAR 1995 BUDGET REQUEST The fiscal year 1995 budget request for the Architect of the Capitol has been prioritized as directed by the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations. The requested items have been identified by four priority levels "NON-DISCRETIONARY", "CRITICAL," "HIGHLY DESIRABLE," AND "DESIRABLE" as follows: NON-DISCRETIONARY Costs that include those items for which expenditures are non-discretionary, ●.g., mandated costincreases, etc. of-living adjustments, personnel benefits, rate increases in electrical energy, contractual CRITICAL Costs essential for the following programs: to assure the ongoing care, maintenance and operation of the Capitol Complex; to assure the structural integrity of the Capitol Complex infrastructure and buildings; to assure that programs with Congressional leadership direction are carried out; and to assure that programs essential for security, fire and life safety, and environmental and hazardous materials protection are provided. HIGHLY DESIRABLE Costs for highly desirable enhancements to the programs outlined in the "CRITICAL" priority level, as well as new program initiatives that would improve the delivery of services. DESIRABLE interruption to current services. Costs for programs that are desirable to implement, but that could be deferred temporarily without Following each appropriation's detailed "Justification" text, "Objectives" statement, "Items Under Which No Changes Occur" table, and Schedules A, B, C, and D, is a "Schedule P" which details all of the increases within the four priority levels. These increases are not necessarily listed in priority order within the designations of "non-discretionary", "critical", highly desirable" and desirable". In other words, no priority has been established among the items that constitute each priority designation. Additionally, the new Schedule D has been developed to indicate those projects that have been deferred from the fiscal year 1995 request. These projects eventually must be funded, but because of higher priority requests, items on Schedule D have not been requested for fiscal year 1995. 1.13 |