Lapas attēli

Estimate 1995

General Statement


As Congressional needs have changed, the
AOC's mission has changed to meet the Congressional
Lease management is an example of this type of change. The AOC now leases warehouse
space for Congressional storage needs, as well as leasing office space for Legislative Branch support
changes in the Architect's office.
office needs in the Postal Square Building. Technological and social developments have also led to
For example, the Electronics Engineering Group was created in recent
years, with responsibility for the installation and operation of the Community Antenna Television system
which carries proceedings of the House and Senate, the Closed Circuit Television system which is part
of the security system that is now in place, and the cabling plan for those activities. Other examples
of these types of change include the expanded role the Architect is now performing in telecommunications
sophisticated security systems.
planning, office waste recycling, and the need to respond to terrorism through involvement in
Moreover, the AOC is frequently charged with the responsibility for
land acquisition for Congressional support agencies, such as the fiscal year 1992 authorization to
acquire property for the Library of Congress, and the fiscal year 1993 authorization to acquire property
of Congress and other Legislative Branch requirements.
for the Senate Page Residence and acreage for the long term storage and warehousing needs of the Library


There are many ways in which to view the mission of the office, but for the purposes of better managing
our responsibilities, the organization is now being viewed internally in terms of functions.
budgetary terms, we have developed a "Function Budget" that presents a clearer picture of the cost of
providing service to the Congress along functional lines. It collects not only the functions and
associated costs that are directly appropriated to the Architect, but includes activities that are
measure by this office.
carried out without appropriated funds, or with funds appropriated to other agencies but managed in some
The Function Budget provides useful insights into the allocation and
areas in which management decisions can be more cost
The following functional areas have been identified:

availability of staff resources as well
effective and productive.

* Architect of the Capitol

• Construction


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* Property Management - Care, Maintenance, and Operation

• Property Management

• Special Projects

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Staff Functions - Central Support

* Museum, Archival and Education

• Communications

* Transportation

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This function represents the immediate Office of the Architect and his staff assistant.
Architect is charged by law with responsibility for a wide variety of activities.



This function represents the staff and resources allocated to designing and managing new
construction and major modifications to existing buildings.


This function represents the staff and resources allocated for security, fire and life safety, radio-TV infrastructure, within-office telecommunications infrastructure, central computer control system for the operation of the Energy Management and Control System, maintenance of the emitter detection system, speech reinforcement systems and the legislative clocks, and the electronic conveyor systems in the Library of Congress Buildings.


This function represents the staff and resources allocated for the operation of the Capitol Power
Plant, the cost of utilities and the energy management systems that have been installed in the
Capitol Complex.


[blocks in formation]


This function represents the staff and resources allocated to asbestos abatement, hazardous waste
management and disposal, indoor air and water quality, and air pollution abatement.


This function represents the staff, resources and value of food sales in the Senate Restaurant
system, which is managed by the Architect under Congressional direction.


This function represents the staff and resources allocated to the Capitol Grounds and Botanic


This function represents the value of the warehouse and office space being leased by the Architect.


operation services provided by the Architect.
This function represents the staff and resources for the traditional care, maintenance, and
A great deal of central staff support is utilized
is not allocated to this category.
for this function, although for purposes of separation of functions, the cost of such support staff


associated activities, provided by the Architect.
This function represents the staff and resources for the custodial services, i.e., cleaning and
Also included in this function are various
auxiliary services, such as: garage and parking attendant services; health and physical fitness
for ice delivery and room set ups.
services; furniture and furnishing services; public address system services; and occupant services


This function represents the occasional special projects that have been undertaken by the office,
such as master planning, and furniture and interior studies of certain buildings. At the present
time, minimal staff, and dollars are being specifically designated or allocated to the Special
Projects function, but it is nevertheless an integral responsibility and activity of the office.


[blocks in formation]

This function represents the overall central office administrative staff and resources responsible for overseeing all of the Architect's duties. This includes top management staff and such administrative staff as accounting, payroll, personnel, budget, legal, information resources management, miscellaneous central staff, and the key architectural and engineering staff responsible for overseeing all of the specialized functions under those areas. Included in the activities engaged in by central support staff are, by law, functions associated with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, the District of Columbia Zoning Commission. In addition, the office participates in the National Building Museum, art selection for the regional metro system, and generally engages in helpful assistance to the local museum community.


This function represents the staff and resources devoted to caring for those portions of the Capitol Art collection under the Architect's jurisdiction, including conservation and maintenance of the wall paintings and sculpture in the Capitol, decorative arts, historical architectural and engineering drawings, and the like. In addition, this function provides archival care for the invaluable art, construction and historical records for scholars' use. Finally, an educational function is performed to respond to Member, media and public inquiries concerning room histories and significant architectural, artistic or historic features of the Capitol complex.


improving by

This function represents the resources requested in the budget for developing and
sharing the Legislative Branch Telecommunications Network, the value of the cost of
telecommunications services, and the value of the existing assets, including phones, switch gear,
and wiring networks.


This function represents the staff and resources allocated to the escalators and elevators
throughout the Legislative Branch, the House and Senate subway systems, and the shuttle van

We have allocated to each function all of the related staff and funding resources from across
appropriation lines to establish the Function Budget for each activity. This provides an opportunity
to better understand the total staffing and the total cost to support a functional area of the office
of the Architect of the Capitol.



Estimate 1995

General Statement


addition to their normal staff respnsibilities.
staff have been assigned areas of responsibility in specific functions.
As part of the overall plan for beter managing the office responsibilities, the senior members of the
These assignments are in

The Architect of the Capitol, acting by law, under the policy direction of the House Office Building
Commission, the Senate Committee on tules and Administration, the Joint Committee on the Library, and
with direction from the Committees Appropriations is responsible for the Capitol Complex, and under
the policy direction of the Chief Jitice of the United States and the Commission for the Judiciary
estimated value of $4.0 billion.
Office Building, with direction fromthe Committees on Appropriations is responsible for the Supreme
Court Building and Thurgood Marshal Federal Judiciary Building, all of which have a conservatively
comprising the Capitol Complex, whh is estimated at $3.2 billion.
include the value of the 286 acres of property
In reality, however, these
buildings and facilities are priceles when thought of as historic symbols of our democracy. A primary
responsibly augment our services as w roles develop.
function of management is thereforeo continue to improve the office's traditional role, and to

his does not

Viewed in terms of budgetary resourc, in fiscal year 1995, the Architect of the Capitol will manage
the office in some manner.
a sought for budget of $191 million or FY 1995; approximately $74 million in unobligated "No Year"
funds that will carry over into fiscayear 1995; and approximately $71 million in funds coordinated by

The funds requested for fiscal year 15, i.e., $191 million, represents less than five percent of the
estimated value of the land.
total conservatively estimated assetilue, of the buildings and improvements of the Capitol Complex,
the Supreme Court Building, and thThurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Building, excluding the
of tha 191 million, approximately $182 million represents the ongoing
annual and cyclical maintenance cosfor the Capitol Complex, the Supreme Court Building, and the
Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary lding, or four percent of total asset value of $4.0 billion.
divided into organizational units,
The summary tables that accompany thirief introduction to the Function Budget outline the functions
staffing associated with the functions, the fiscal year 1994
appropriations for those functions, requested budget for fiscal year 1995, the estimated value of
because it serves
non-appropriated funding for the funons, "units" where applicable to explain a number or type of
analyses may be made.
activity, and finally the estimated racement value of the function. This latter value is significant
as a general benmark against which replacement cost versus maintenance cost


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