13. Annualization of FY 1994 pay increases and other actions. Annualization of the FY 1994 merit increases, turnover effects, and the FTE reductions required by P.L. 103-69). 13. Commercial ADP price increases of 2.5% ADP commercial timesharing access and usage price increases will average 2.5% based on information provided by major vendors. 14. Administrative contracts increase of 5.0% 347 187 26 | | Staff | Amount ($000) 43 12 15. Misc. services price increase of 3.2% Price increases in this area are projected at 3.2%, slightly higher than the current CBO inflation forcast. Reduction in administrative expenses required by the Legislative 1 | Branch Appropriations Act of 1994. |======================== 12. Workload (86) | (29)| | Staff | ======|====================| Amount ($000) |2b. | ADP systems, data and model development Although spending for these projects is maintained at the current | level, funds are being re-allocated to reflect changing needs. 0 14 OVERVIEW OF CBO'S ROLE The Congressional Budget Act of 1974 established the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) as a nonpartisan Congressional support agency. Its mandate is to be analytically precise, professional, and politically unbiased in providing the Congress with information on matters of budgetary and fiscal policy. In addition to the work products specified in the Act, including scorekeeping, five-year cost estimates of reported bills, and five-year projections of new budget authority, outlays, and revenues, the Congressional Budget Office has three principal statutory tasks: (1) to provide information to the two Budget Committees on all matters within their jurisdiction and such further reports "as may be necessary and appropriate"; (2) to provide information to the appropriating and tax committees on request; and (3) on request of any other committees, to provide information compiled for the budget, taxing, and appropriating committees plus, "to the extent practicable," additional requested information. The Budget Enforcement Act of 1990 (Title XIII of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990) (BEA) assigned CBO additional statutory tasks that were extended through 1998 by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993. Three times a year, CBO must report whether a sequestration of budgetary resources will be necessary to adhere to the discretionary appropriation caps, the pay-as-you-go requirement for direct spending and receipts legislation, or the maximum deficit amount for a fiscal year. Also, as soon as practicable after Congress completes action on an appropriation bill or on any direct spending or receipts legislation, CBO must provide the Office of Management and Budget with a cost estimate. The Director of CBO is also responsible for alerting the Congress to a recession or downturn in the |