Lapas attēli
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The Capitol Police budget request for FY95 is $71,419,000, an increase of $7,187,000 (11.2%) over the amount appropriated for FY94. Included in this request is full funding for the current 1,303 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions and an additional five positions for the new Senate Page Residence, for a total of 1,308 FTE positions. This is a reduction of 54 positions from the authorized level as of September 30, 1992, and represents the number of FTE positions that the Department must eliminate by September 30, 1995. In order to absorb the increased costs for benefits and scheduled increases during FY94, an additional twenty-five to thirty (25-30) police positions had to be left vacant. These vacant positions going unfilled coupled with the fifty-four (54) positions that were eliminated have placed a severe strain on the personnel resources of the Department. It is imperative that the Capitol Police receive full funding for the requested 1,308 FTE positions for FY95, if they are to provide the level of security that the Congress and the Congressional Community have come to expect from the Department.

The five new sworn positions that are being requested are to staff the new Senate Page Residence which will be occupied in September 1994. The increase for these positions is $194,000. Funding for overtime was increased by $500,000 to cover the increased hourly rate of earning, programmed administrative changes (four-hour rule) in the payment of overtime, and to fully fund the actual cost of overtime expenses. The Capitol Police have been underfunded for overtime cost for the past several years.

The other increased cost for Personnel is due to scheduled increases for longevities, rank adjustments, FY95 COLA, the increased cost for employee benefits, and funding for the 25-30 vacancies that were carried during FY94. The Capitol Police are also requesting funding of $2,113,000 for Locality Pay. This pay is very similar to the geographic allowance that is given to other federal law enforcement agencies in the Washington metropolitan area.

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The following information is an overview of the General Expense Budget by object class. The reason for the increase is explained for each object class.

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The General Expense Budget Submission for FY95 is $2,000,000. There is a moderate increase for the General Expense Budget for FY95. Minor adjustments to some of the object classes were also necessary to reflect the changing needs of the Department. The increase is attributed to the rising cost for computer supplies and the inflationary increase for uniform and equipment items.

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This object class includes airfare, car rental, mileage, tolls, per diem, and other expenses incidental to official travel by employees of the Department. These travel expenses are related to protective details, transporting employees to and from the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) for recruit and other specialized training, as well as other developmental training that is not held at FLETC or in the D.C. area. It also includes costs associated with other travel related to official business such as investigations, ceremonial functions, competitions, etc. The increase is to provide sufficient funding for Protective Details. Reprogramming has been necessary for the past two years to provide funding for the increased requirement for Protective Details.

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This object class includes freight costs incurred when parts, uniforms, or materials must be sent to another location (e.g., our liaison office at FLETC), when equipment is shipped to a repair facility, when items of evidence must be sent to another site for analysis or investigation, shipment of household goods for officers assigned to FLETC, etc. Funds contained in this object class cover any transportation costs except regular mail services (contained in Rents, Communications, and Utilities) and travel and per diem costs (contained in Transportation of Persons). There is no anticipated increase for this object class.

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This object class provides funds for the lease and rental of equipment and services such as law enforcement computer files, automated research services, and photocopying machines. It also includes funds for U.S. Postage, and commercial long distance telephone service. The increase for this object class is for the replacement of nine photocopy machines that are in excess of eight years of age and beyond repair according to the service technicians.

USCP Fiscal 1995 Budget Request


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This object class includes all services not specifically covered by any other object class. It encompasses such things as repairs and alterations to equipment, maintenance contracts, tuition and registration fees for training programs, conferences, seminars, etc., uniform maintenance and alterations (including laundry and dry cleaning), and professional services such as recruit physicals, veterinary care, psychological evaluations, employee assistance program, including but not limited to professional referrals, drug screening, promotional assessment, etc. There is no anticipated increase for this object class.

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This object class includes charges for commodities, whether acquired by formal contract or other form of purchase, that are ordinarily consumed or expended within one year after they are put into use. It contains items such as weapon parts and accessories, automotive maintenance supplies, fuel, oil, repair parts, photographic supplies, K-9 supplies, training supplies, electronic supplies, office supplies, publications, uniforms and accessories, ammunition and explosives, and other misc. supplies. The increase for this object class is to fund the rising cost of supplies for the new PC LAN-based computer system that the Capitol Police is using, as well as the inflationary increase in police uniforms and equipment costs.

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This object class provides for the purchase of equipment that has a normal life expectancy of a year or more after being put into use, without material impairment of its physical condition, and has a unit cost of at least one hundred dollars. Included in this object class are weapons, vehicles, photographic equipment, automotive maintenance equipment, electronic equipment, investigative equipment, etc.

The decrease in this object class funded the increases for Travel, Rent and Communications. This decrease is the result of expected savings due to the reduction in the size of the Police Vehicle Fleet combined with the downsizing of replacement vehicles.

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* Includes overtime currently estimated at approximately $1,000,000 & benefits of $6,885,000

** Includes overtime currently estimated at approximately $1,000,000 & benefits of $7,448,000





Funding for estimated personnel costs, which includes costs associated with longevity increases, overtime and other administrative costs.


Funding associated with benefit costs for FERS, CSRS, Health & Life Insurance.


This object class includes airfare, car rental, mileage, tolls, per diem, and other expenses incidental to official travel by employees of the Department. These travel expenses are related to protective details, transporting employees to and from: the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) for recruit and other specialized training, as well as other developmental training that is not held at FLETC or in the D.C. area. It also includes costs associated with other travel related to official business such as investigations, ceremonial functions, competitions, etc.


This object class includes freight costs incurred when parts, uniforms, or materials must be sent to another location (e.g., our liaison office at FLETC), when equipment is shipped to a repair facility, when items of evidence must be sent to another site for analysis or investigation, shipment of household goods for officers assigned to FLETC, etc. Funds contained in this object class cover any transportation costs except regular mail services (contained in Rents, Communications, and Utilities) and travel and per diem costs (contained in Transportation of

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