Lapas attēli







Ways And Means Committee Markup Of Administration's
Revenue Proposals

May 4, 1993

Estimated Budget Effects Of The Administration's
Revenue Proposals Contained In The Fiscal Year 1994
May 4, 1993

Ways And Means Committee Amendment To President's
Budget Proposals

May 13, 1993

Estimated Budget Effects Of Revenue Reconciliation
Provisions As Approved By The Committee On Ways And
Means On May 13, 1993

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May 17, 1993

Description Of Chairman's Mark On Revenue
Reconciliation Proposals Scheduled for Markup by the
Senate Committee on Finance on June 17, 1993

June 17, 1993

Estimated Budget Effects Of The Finance Committee
Chairman's Proposed Mark Of The Revenue
Reconciliation Provisions

June 17, 1993

Description Of Tax Proposals Relating To The Health
And Safety Of Inner-City Residents And Other
Miscellaneous Health-Related Tax Issues Scheduled
for a Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Select
Revenue Measures of the House Committee on Ways and
Means on June 29, 1993

June 28, 1993

Estimated Budget Effects Of The Revenue
Reconciliation Provisions Of H.R.2264. As Passed By
The Senate On June 25, 1993

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Conference Comparison Estimated Budget Effects Of
The Revenue Reconciliation Provisions Of H.R.2264 As
Passed By The House And By The Senate






Estimated Budget Effects Of The Revenue Provisions
Of H.R.2264 (The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
Of 1993) As Agreed To By The Conferees

August 4, 1993

Markup Of Ways And Means Committee Amendment To H.R.2739 (Aviation Infrastructure Investment Act of 1993) Scheduled for October 6, 1993

October 5, 1993

Description Of Possible Tax Simplification And
Technical Corrections Legislation (H.R.13 And
H.R.17. As Modified In H.R.3419) Scheduled for
Markup by the House Committee on Ways and Means on
November 3, 1993

November 2, 1993

Estimated Revenue Effects Of H.R.3419, Tax
Simplification And Techincal Corrections Act of 1993
Scheduled for Markup On Wednesday, November 3, 1993

November 3, 1993

Description And Analysis Of Provisions In The Health
Security Act (H.R.3600) Relating To The Tax
Treatment Of Organizations Providing Health Care
Services And Related Organizations Scheduled for a
Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Select Revenue
Measures of the House Committee on Ways and Means on
December 14, 1993

December 13, 1993

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Adjustments have been made to the FY '95 budget estimate for the Joint Committee on Taxation requiring your immediate attention and concurrence. The FY '95 personnel and nonpersonnel budgets have increased. Funding is requested for the annualization of the FY '94 locality pay adjustment (4.23%), and prorated amounts for the FY '95 locality pay adjustment (2.12%) and the cost of living adjustment (2.6%), both budgeted to take effect January 1, 1995.

The nonpersonnel increase over your original request is for your equipment user fees and stationery. These amounts have been paid from administrative funds of the House. Beginning with FY '95, your equipment user fees, along with all new equipment purchases and stationery, will be included in your operating budget. Your current inventory plus estimated new purchases in FY '94 and FY '95 have been included in arriving at your estimated user fees.

Your FY '95 appropriation request, as it will appear in the President's budget is $6,484,000. Of this amount, $6,024,000 is for personnel and $460,000 for nonpersonnel. This is the amount to which you will be testifying.

Enclosed are copies of the revised Schedules A-1 and C-1 pertaining to your office. Please contact Odette Parker of my office at 56514 for your immediate concurrence or changes to any of the numbers making up your FY '95 budget request. Also, please return the enclosed schedules, with your initials or signature.

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