Introduction to PCs (52 classes, 219 students) WordPerfect (217 classes, 775 students) Clerk Hire (26 classes, 16 students) System Manager (31 classes, 121 students) Windows (63 classes, 355 students) Introduction to Macintosh (36 classes, 90 students) MAC Accounting (11 classes, 15 students) Microsoft Word (50 classes, 100 students) PageMaker (35 classes, 57 students) FileMaker (12 classes, 15 students) Word-11 (6 classes, 34 staff) Advanced Word-11 (3 classes, 12 students) Technical Courses/Seminars (6 classes/seminars, 62 students) ON-SITE TRAINING Legal Retrieval (21 sessions) Committee Accounting & Personnel (270 sessions) Committee Equipment Inventory (30 sessions) PRODUCTION SERVICES Desktop Publishing/Graphics (2,881 contacts) Software Support (14,071 contacts) PageMaker Technical Assistance (974 calls) DOS & Windows Support (154 calls) FileMaker Support (128 calls) Color Graphics (912 large plots, 14,386 copies) Color Printing/Transparencies (105 printed) Color Scanning & Printing (735 work orders) Constituent Labels (4,230,759 printed) National Change Of Address (NCOA) (37,391,311 names in 284 lists) Member MicroMIN Database Conversions (57 conversions) Macintosh Accounting Applications (21 offices supported) New Congress (200 slides, 76 plots, 3360 color copies) INFORMATION RETRIEVAL Federal Register & Funding Reports (7,540 generated) Database Evaluations (7 requests) CONSULTATIONS/DEMONSTRATIONS Office Automation Help (10,840 Members, 12,029 Committees) Equipment Configurations (294 Members, 55 Committees) Hardware Evaluations (43 completed) Software Evaluations (25 completed) Product Demonstrations (6,229 conducted) ISIS Demonstrations (86 presentations) Site Surveys (Members: 685, Committees: 360) District Office Visits (16 trips) Quarterly District Newsletter (4 issues) House User Groups (36 meetings coordinated) Legal Support (454 consultations) FIELD SERVICES Hardware Troubleshooting (6,152 requests) PC Hardware Repair (4,399 calls) PC Hardware & Software Installations (2,521 installs) Macintosh Hardware/Software Support (1,570 calls) Committee Technical Support (900 requests) Committee Accounting/Personnel Systems (800 calls, 250 visits) Network Services (2,225 calls) LAN Support (175 Member LANS, 45 Committees LANs) MEMBER INFORMATION NETWORK Monthly Accesses (190,541 sessions) Monthly Transactions (3,559,583 commands) Monthly Usage (660 offices, 5,155 users) NEWSWIRE SERVICES (79,208 accesses per month) Associated Press (58,014 accesses, 14,486 articles) USA Today (1,346 accesses, 1,540 articles) FEDERAL FUNDING/STATISTICS SERVICES (1,761 accesses per month) LEGISLATIVE SERVICES (78,200 accesses per month) Floor Proceedings (6,681 accesses, full day's debate) Text of Legislation (4,658 accesses, 101,663 bills/res.) INFORMATION SERVICES (10,189 accesses per month) House Bulletin Board (8,133 accesses, avg. entries: 283) ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (21,183 accesses per month) ISIS SERVICES (202 offices, 2,293 users) Newswires (215,130 accesses, 3,285,628 records) Legislative Process (62,688 accesses, 2,005,812 recs.) SPECIAL PURPOSE CUSTOM SYSTEMS TELEPHONE BILLING SYSTEM Long Distance (7,500,000 calls processed) Voucher (8,257 processed) Billing/Usage (5000 reports) District Telephone Billing (9,890 bills, 825 average monthly) PARKING OFFICE PERMIT SYSTEM (32,200 Parking Stickers Issued) Parking Permits Permits Issued (29,500 permits) Temporary Permits (20,200 issued) Parking Spaces Total Spaces (6,200 spaces) Carpool Spaces (720 spaces) Enforcement (6,300 tickets issued) PERSONNEL TRACKING SYSTEMS Position and Longevity Tables (106 tables) Doorkeeper (800 records) Clerk (11,000 records) CAMPAIGN FINANCING SYSTEM Individuals Seeking House Seats (3,500 individuals) ATTENDING PHYSICIAN Medical Information System (20,000 entries) Medical Record System (1,000 records) POSTMASTER Mail Accounting System (110,000 entries/records) PUBLICATION DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Packages Mailed (50,000 per year) Bulk Mailings (6,500 per year) LAW REVISION COUNSEL U.S. Code CD-ROM (2 releases) U.S. Code Classification Tables (426 reports) |