Lapas attēli

ago. Since 1960, they have launched 21 spacecraft to explore Mars and enus. They have missed only one planetary opportunity in that time. Of those 21 missions, only the 19th, Venera IV, has so far returned useful scientific results from the planets; the previous 18 apparently failed. We will not know the fate of the 20th and 21st missions until they encounter Venus in May; however, since they appear to be similar to Venera IV we can expect them to be successful.

In that same period, we have attempted to launch five spacecraft to the planets, of which three have been successful. With those three missions, we have returned almost all of the new, reliable, reproducible information about the planets, even including the data from Venus in 1967 when both the United States and U.S.S.R. had successful missions. We have been able to maintain this country in the forefront of planetary exploration by the quality of both our engineering talent and our Nation's scientists, and by the way in which they are involved in planning and executing our program. By making the most effective use of our best people, we have been able to make better use of the limited resources we have had available for planetary exploration as compared to the Russians.

If however, the Russians continue to commit a major share of their space effort to planetary exploration-and the two recent launches to Venus indicate they will-and if they begin to involve their very best scientists in the planning and execution of their missions so that they fly first-rate, reliable experiments and there is some evidence from our scientific colleagues that they are then it is clear that this Nation cannot continue in the forefront of planetary exploration with only one-fourth or one-fifth the effort of the Russian planetary program. Not only must the present program be wholeheartedly supported, but we must use it as the foundation for a bold, vigorous program which will keep this Nation in the forefront of space exploration in the next decade.

The Russians also have a vigorous, well-planned applications program, especially in communications and meteorology. The Soviets have launched 10 communications satellites, designated "Molniya," for a long-distance, two-way multichannel telecommunication and long-distance television transmission. Relay is accomplished by a 40watt, wide-band transceiver, having a capacity for one television channel or the equivalent in multichannel telecommunication.

In the area of meteorology, the Soviets have announced the launching of six satellites which have a capability comparable to our Nimbus. These satellites are part of a large system of reception points and stations for processing and distributing meteorological information, which is called Meteor. However, because of the nature of the satellite orbits, they do not achieve a worldwide coverage every 24 hours as our satellites do.

In 1968, the Soviets launched their first astronomy satellite, Cosmos 215. While not comparable to our OAO in capability, it will be able to return valuable data with eight small (approximately 3-inch aperture) ultraviolet telescopes to study radiation from hot stars, and an X-ray telescope and two photometers to measure solar radiation scattered in the upper atmosphere.

Now, Mr. Chairman, we are extremely proud of the program. So

we have put together a movie which will run about 40 minutes and which describes the most significant happenings in the past, which gives the committee a feel for what is going on in the present, and also what we can anticipate in the future in the Space Science and Applications program.

The general theme of this movie is best characterized by its title, "Progress and Promise in Space." We note our current position in space and point out we have reached this preeminence by building on past accomplishments. It has almost become a cliche in the past few months to note the space program stands on the shoulders of giants, but it is true we are able to do the things we have done in the past decade because of the contributions of Italians, of Germans, of English, of French, over the past 200 or 300 years. As you look back over the past decade, I think this committee and this country can be very proud of the contributions that the space program has made to that steady evolution of human knowledge and human progress. I think there will be other people, a hundred years or so from now, who will "stand on the shoulders" of the people in the space program today and be able to do equally spectacular programs in the context of that time.

We hope that you find this film interesting. I might say that we went out to the scientists and the people in the Applications program that are involved in the program. We didn't use professional actors; we have real, genuine scientists in places in this film telling you why the program is exciting, what some of the achievements have been, and what they hope to accomplish in the future.

With your permission, Mr. Chairman, I would like to run the movie now for the committee.

Mr. KARTH. Are there any questions prior to the showing of the movie? Mr. Downing?

Mr. DOWNING. No questions.

Mr. KARTH. Mr. Mosher?

Mr. MOSHER. Yes. In your discussion of the three recent failures, you mentioned the ATS 4 mission, and you said we can achieve most of the objectives of that mission with an ATS-E which is scheduled for mid-1969 launch. In a way that raises a question. If we can achieve most of the objectives with another shot that is already planned, why was the original shot planned? Was there enough difference between these two shots? If the second can do most of the important elements of the first, then why the first? Was there enough difference to make the substantial cost worthwhile?

Dr. NAUGLE. Well, the answer to that question is certainly "Yes." We had examined the ATS-D and E and had determined there was a need for these two missions. Now, you realize that had ATS-D been successful we would have had a year's experience with that satellite at the time that we launched ATS-E. There are experiments that are not on ATS-E, that were on ATS-D. We have also, I might point out, taken advantage of the progress of technology and we have added some additional experiments to ATS-E that were not contemplated for ATS-D. Certainly if we had not had ATS-E to back up ATS-D, we would have been in a major hole, and would have lost not a year in getting this data, but we would have lost much more than a year,

because we would have had to start up a new satellite to replace ATS-IV. Had ATS-D gone on schedule, then we would have examined the objectives of ATS-E, and the experiments on board ATS-E, and undoubtedly have added more or changed some of the experiments in that spacecraft.

Mr. MOSHER. You are saying that the ATS-4 mission was warranted, it was important, the failure is a real loss?

Dr. NAUGLE. Yes, very definitely.

Mr. MOSHER. You just don't pick it all up with the next?

Dr. NAUGLE. No. You see, the key experiment on ATS-D is the gravity gradient. This Nation still has not successfully flown a gravity gradient satellite in the synchronous orbit, which we hope to do with ÅTS-E later this year.

Mr. KARTH. Mr. Koch?
Mr. KOCH. No questions.

Mr. KARTH. Are there any further questions?

(No response.)

Mr. KARTH. Dr. Naugle, I don't want to ask questions specifically about the Physics and Astronomy or Lunar and Planetary Programs, because we will have later presentations on these programs.

We will therefore have an opportunity to ask specific questions about them. On page 10 of your statement, however, it seems to me that you gave very little space to the broad goals of the Space Science and Applications Programs, and what they mean to us in a meaningful way. Our goal is stated as, "To expand human knowledge." I think that is of great interest to everybody, but I would suggest if that is one of the primary purposes, why mankind could achieve that goal in a variety of ways, by reading Macbeth, or other Shakespearian plays, or Little Red Riding Hood, or 10,000 other books. In this way man could expand his knowledge; 95 percent of the great books most of us haven't read, including the witness, I presume.

I wonder if you can relate for this committee in more specific terms how human knowledge has been expanded, in what meaningful ways, what does it really mean to us. I ask this with regard to the physics and astronomy program, the lunar and planetary program. What meaningful ways does this information benefit mankind; is it worth $80 million a shot, for example? Is this kind of information worth that kind of an investment?

Could you expand on that?

Dr. NAUGLE. I certainly will, Mr. Chairman.

First of all, let me make one point, and that is that the knowledge we are gaining through the Space Science and Applications program is knowledge that can only be gained through experiments that you perform in space. We are not doing anything in space that could be done on the ground.

Now, let me take astronomy as an example, where there is a long history which you can look back over. Many things come to mind from the history of astronomy-from the contributions that the study of that discipline have made to mankind.

Astronomy in the past has changed our whole philosophy, our whole understanding of man, of the role of the earth, of the relationship of the earth to the sun, and the sun to the galaxy, and the universe.

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Mr. KARTH. If I may interrupt, I think the information we get could be categorized as "nice-to-know information."

What I am seeking to find out is whether or not there is any direct application of this information?

Dr. NAUGLE. I am coming to that. I wanted to say that the pursuit of astronomy as a scientific discipline has contributed to almost the whole science and technology of the measurement of time, and the measurement of distance has come out of that discipline.

The work that astronomers and astrophysicists did in the 1930's when they were trying to understand the tremendous energies associated with stars, associated with the sun, laid the groundwork and made it possible to use and develop nuclear energy in the early 1940's.

Right now the area of astronomy is in tremendous ferment. The astronomers have discovered quasars and pulsars, which are objects that as near as we can tell put out tremendous energies. The energies they put out are as breathtaking in comparison to the energies we are familiar with today as the energies that the stars produced were in comparison with the energy sources that were available on the earth in the 1930's, when astrophysicists were beginning to understand the nuclear reactions in the interiors of stars. At that time I think it would have been hard for any person to claim that we would ultimately tame and use the energy sources that powered the stars. But because we had that knowledge, because we had the people that understood how to use that knowledge we were able to make use of that energy.

Mr. KARTH. Are you saying because of these investigations back in the 1930's, and only because of those investigations, we were able to develop our nuclear capability?

Dr. NAUGLE. That is precisely what I am saying, Mr. Karth.

And what I am saying now, is that there are new kinds of energy sources that astronomers see and are studying. They do not yet understand the processes that take place, but to give you a feel for the kind or energies involved, it appears from some of the evidence we have that in 1 second one of these pulsars appears to lose an energy comparable to that lost by 50 thousand suns in 1 second. That is an enormous amount of energy that is being produced and released.

Mr. KARTH. Even if it is 25, it is quite a bit.

Dr. NAUGLE. That is right, even 25 is a very large number, a very large amount of energy.

Now, the significance of space astronomy is that much of the energy, many of the processes that are taking place on stars are best, and in many cases, are only observable in the ultraviolet and X-ray part of the spectrum, so in space astronomy we are contributing the knowledge and helping develop people who know and understand the significance of that knowledge.

Another area is in the area of planetary exploration, and I might say we will be developing these objectives in each of the areas later, but let me talk about planetary for a moment. As we look at our planet, as we look at the population that is increasing, we know that man is not only polluting, but possibly beginning to change the very fundamental nature of our atmosphere on the earth.

Now, we are using our Explorers, NIMBUS and TIROS to study

the earth's atmosphere. We are thinking of global research studies to study the atmosphere in meteorology on a world-wide basis, but we can only study our atmosphere as it is at this particular time and this particular stage in its evolution.

We know that the atmosphere of the earth has undergone major changes in the past, we know there have been climatic changes, ice ages and things of that sort but we do not know what caused those changes. Our present knowledge is such that we can barely tell whether over the centuries our atmosphere is slowly increasing in temperature or perhaps slowly decreasing. We do know that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has significantly increased in the past half century.

Mr. KARTH. Might that have something to do with changing weather conditions?

Dr. NAUGLE. It certainly is a factor, there is no question about that. The amounts of airsoles in the atmosphere is also another factor in the changing.

Now, a point I want to make is that ideally it would help us if we could conduct large-scale experiments to modify the atmosphere so that we could better understand the factors that influence our atmosphere. As you know, it is out of the question to consider experiments which would make major modifications in our atmosphere because we don't have the knowledge and understanding to predict what the outcome of those will be. However, with the ability to explore other planets of going to Mars-which has an atmosphere which is significantly lighter, significantly cooler, made up of different constituents; or of being able to go to Venus, which has a much heavier, hotter atmosphere, and then by comparing measurements of those atmospheres with the data on the earth's atmosphere-by the challenge that understanding those three atmospheres presents to the very best scientists in this country-by involving those very best scientists in understanding atmospheric physics-by all these things we are developing a body of knowledge, and a group of people, who are competent to deal with that knowledge so that we are going to be better prepared, much better prepared to tackle the problems that we see coming up in the decades ahead as our population increases, and expands, over the earth, and as it becomes more important to be able to know what is happening to our atmosphere.

Now, those two examples I have used are part of the rationale for expanding the knowledge, for going out and doing research without knowing precisely what use exactly in what area a particular bit of information will fit.

In addition, we are also conducting the applications program in which we are using what we know today, we are using the technology we have today, and we are putting those things together and developing TIROS satellites; we have developed communications satellites, we are proposing an experimental Earth Resources Technology Satellite. In all of these things we are using today's knowledge, today's technology, to work on today's problems-the problems we face here on earth right now.

So we are doing two very important things in this program: we are putting knowledge and technology in the bank for future generations

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