Lapas attēli

tunity to look them over this evening, then Mr. Hearth and Mr. Scherer could summarize their statements tomorrow and we could get right into questions and answers.

Is there anything about the schedule you feel that you or your associates could not meet?

Dr. NAUGLE. As far as I know, we are in good shape, and I think we should be able to stay within the schedule you have there, and we will plan to summarize the statements as you request, as we go through them.

Mr. KARTH. All right, then without further ado, Dr. Naugle, you may proceed with your introductory remarks.

(Dr. Naugle's prepared statement is as follows:)


Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee, it is an honor and a pleasure to review the NASA Space Science and Applications Program for the Committee on Science and Astronautics. This part of the NASA program is dedicated to exploring the solar system, observing the universe, and using this new knowledge and the technology of aeronautical and space flight to develop and test new concepts and new systems which can help solve practical problems in such fields as communication, weather prediction, navigation, and the survey and evaluation of our natural and cultural resources. Also the Office of Space Science and Applications (OSSA) is responsible for providing launch services for NASA's automated spacecraft, and, on a reimbursable basis, for spacecraft of the Environmental Science Services Administration of the Department of Commerce, the Communications Satellite Corporation (COMSAT), and a number of foreign countries.

We work closely with and depend upon the Office of Advanced Research and Technology for the development of the technology required to accomplish our objectives. We also look to that Office to evolve new technologies which will enable us to conceive and accomplish experiments not possible today. We also work closely with the Office of Manned Space Flight in the planning of manned missions. We are responsible for establishing the scientific and applications objectives for manned missions and for selecting the experiments to accomplish those objectives. The Office of Manned Space Flight provides for the experimental and supporting hardware for scientific and applications experiments carried on manned missions. The Office of Tracking and Data Acquisition is responsible for tracking the satellites and space probes and for acquiring the data for the OSSA programs.

Many of the experiments and much of the scientific and technical expertise being applied to space science and applications were developed in programs supported by other Government agencies, such as the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the Office of Naval Research, and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.


We will review the OSSA Program for Fiscal Year 1970 against the background of a year of unprecedented achievements for NASA, climaxed by the historic voyage of Apollo 8 to the Moon. However, Apollo 8 was not the only historic launch in December. Just before on December 7 an Orbiting Astronomical Observatory, OAO-II, was successfully launched. These two launches, so close in time the one giving man the ability to leave the Earth and begin his personal exploration of the solar system, and the other giving him an entirely new set of tools to observe the universe-will become landmarks in the evolution of human knowledge.

As an indication of the vigor and the breadth of the space program, a commercial communications satellite, INTELSAT III-B; a meteorological satellite, ESSA 8; an interplanetary mission, Pioneer IX; and an international satellite, HEOS: in addition to OAO-II and Apollo 8, were all successfully launched in the 40-day period beginning November 8, 1969.

For the Office of Space Science and Applications, the major achievement, of course, was the successful launch and the continuing flawless operation of the OAO-II, shown in Chart SG69-361. The successful operation of OAO-II marks the successful completion and flight testing of all of the automated systems started in the early days of NASA. The OAO, which is perhaps the most complex automated spacecraft ever constructed, weighs over 4,000 pounds, consists of more than 238,000 individual spacecraft parts, and carries seven telescopes prepared by Dr. Arthur Code of the University of Wisconsin, and four telescopes prepared by Dr. Fred Whipple of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. The OAO-II points these 11 telescopes at stars with an accuracy of about 1 arc minute. Later versions of the OAO will point single telescopes which are 3 feet in diameter at stars with an accuracy of 0.1 arc second. Chart SG69-417 shows the significance of improving the resolution.

With OAO-II, astronomers for the first time are able to study faint stars from outside the Earth's atmosphere where they are not limited to the very narrow portion of the light emitted by a star which can penetrate the Earth's atmosphere to Earth-based telescopes. To illustrate the significance of taking a telescope above the atmosphere, Chart SG69-274 shows the altitude to which an instrument must be carried to study various kinds of radiation emitted by the Sun and stars. The use of OAO is even more exciting than this chart indicates because the electromagnetic radiation in the X-ray and the far ultraviolet parts of the spectrum, those parts of the spectrum which cannot be observed by groundbased astronomers, holds the clues to many of the puzzles of modern astronomy. If you will reflect for a moment upon the impact of astronomy on mankind since Galileo-of how the knowledge of astronomy has changed man's concept of the universe of the practical contributions astronomy has made to the measurement of distance and time, of the fact that it was because of astrophysicists puzzling over the source of energy in stars which ultimately led to the understanding and practical application of nuclear energy-and that astronomers are in a ferment today puzzling over the tremendous sources of energy which appear to power the newly discovered quasars and pulsars-I am sure that you will be proud of this Nation's capability to produce an instrument

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like OAO and you will be glad that this Nation's astronomers will be able to use it to study the stars.

The successful launch of OAO-II was not the only significant achievement in space astronomy during 1968. On the 4th of July we successfully launched the first radio astronomy satellite, RAE-A (Explorer XXXVIII) (Chart SG68-401). RAE is designed to explore the long wavelength radio waves which cannot be observed from the ground because they are reflected by the Earth's ionosphere. Such radio waves require a long antenna to observe them, hence the 1,500-foot length of the booms on RAE.

In addition to acting as receiving antennas, these booms also serve to orient and stabilize the spacecraft by alining themselves toward the center of the Earth. The design, fabrication, and deployment of these booms were significant technological challenges. Elaborate computer programs were required to predict the behavior of these booms in space in order to design them properly. There is, of course, no Earth-based laboratory facility to test such booms; therefore, the first flight of an RAE represented a major advance in antenna technology and gravity gradient stabilization techniques. The RAE antennas are not only the longest ever to be deployed in space, but they are of a new "zippered" design which made them considerably more resistive to twisting and bending than earlier antennas.

In addition to substantially advancing space technology, RAE has already produced significant and unexpected scientific results (Chart SG69-218). Large numbers-100 per day-of small solar radio bursts have been observed. Such large numbers of small bursts had not been observed previously by other techniques, nor had they been predicted theoretically. Finding these numerous small bursts undoutedly will contribute to our understanding of the processes which produce flares on the Sun.

A second surprise from the Explorer XXXVIII measurements was the intensity of radio emissions from the Earth's magnetosphere. Such radiation had been expected, both from theoretical predictions and from earlier rocket results obtained by U.S. and U.S.S.R. scientists, but the intensity is appreciably stronger than predicted. In fact, it now appears that the radio emission from the Earth

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is about 10 percent of that of the planet Jupiter, whose strong radio emission so surprised astronomers when first observed a few years ago.

Astronomy was not the only area in which there were significant achievements in space science. We began the year by landing Surveyor VII, the last of that highly successful series, on the lunar highlands north of the crater Tycho. I am sure you all remember this classic photograph taken by Surveyor VII showing a fresh crater nearby (Chart SL68-768).

Chemical analyses performed by Surveyor VII on three separate lunar samples the undisturbed surface, a small rock, and an area scraped by the surface sampler-showed that the lunar material in this region contained significantly less of the heavier elements than had been found by Surveyors V and VI in two widely separated mare regions. This chemical difference may explain the brighter appearance of the highlands compared to the maria, and also suggests that, perhaps, the material is of slightly lower density. We also used the cameras on Surveyor VII to observe laser beams from the Earth in preparation for future experiments to be conducted during the Apollo program in which laser beams will be reflected from reflectors on the surface of the Moon to measure accurately the Earth-Moon distance.

The use of the Applications Technology Satellites (ATS) I and III to study severe weather phenomena was a significant practical application of space technology in 1968. ATS-III, in a stationary position over the equator, due south of the United States, continuously photographed the Earth during periods of high tornado probability. The ATS-III pictures show that sequential largescale pictures can make a major contribtuion to the understanding of tornado formation, and can be used to predict the approximate times and paths of tornadoes.

OSSA was responsible for 20 launches in 1968 (Chart S69-453), of which nine were OSSA missions and 11 were for other elements of NASA, other agencies, or other countries. Of the 20 launchings 17 were successful, including three spacecraft for the European Space Research Organization (ESRO). There were three failures-Nimbus B, ATS-IV, and INTELSAT III-A.

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