NOTICE AS TO REPORTS. By order of the Executive Committee, the following prices have been fixed for the reports; they are about sufficient to pay the cost of printing and postage. Vol. 1 (1878), postpaid, paper, 50 cents; cloth, 75 cents. Vols. 2 to 27 (1879 to 1904), postpaid, paper, 75 cents each; cloth, $1.00 each. Complete set to date, Vols. 1 to 27, paper, $20.00; cloth, $26.75. Each member of the Association will receive, as soon as published, and without cost to him, one copy of the proceedings for each year of his membership. A bound copy will be sent, unless the Secretary is otherwise directed. Members desiring extra copies, and new members desiring back reports, will be charged the above prices. The great number of applications for sets of reports from libraries and educational institutions, and the small number of copies of many of the volumes on hand, render it necessary to restrict the furnishing of complete sets to those Bar Libraries and other general libraries in which the reports will be of Applications should state the size and character of the library and the class of readers using it; and also what volumes (if any) are already on hand. When such applications can be granted, the reports will be furnished to libraries without expense other than postage or express charges. most use. The reports will be published each year about February 1st. JOHN HINKLEY, Secretary. 215, North Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. 1 INDEX. PAGE Abbott, Benjamin F., Paper by,. of President, by James Hagerman, Addresses, Annual, List of, of Welcome, on behalf of Louisiana Purchase Exposition on behalf of Missouri Bar Association, on behalf of St. Louis Bar Association, Alaskan Boundary Case, Paper on, American Law Schools (see Section Legal Education, Association American Law Schools.) American Lawyer, Education of the, Paper on, Ames, James Barr, Address as Chairman of Section of Legal Education, Annual Address, by Amos M. Thayer, 31 12, 312 8, 231 941 4 6 7 11, 335 500 500, 507 12, 312 Arbitration, International (see Report of Committee on Inter- national Law). Resolution on Action of Inter-Parliamentary Union on, . 44 on, Bar Examination from Standpoint of Law School Student, Paper Practical Suggestions for the Conduct of, Paper on,. 784, 804 784, 797 Brewster, Lyman D., Resolution by Commissioners on Uniform PAGE Combinations, Unlawful, in Trade (see Report of Committee on Commercial Law). Commercial Corporations, Federal Incorporation Laws for, Report on, 14, 380 Should there be a Federal Incorporation for, Paper on, 694 on Patent, Trade-Mark and Copyright Law, Report of, 51 on Publications, Appointment of, on Uniform State Laws, Report of, Committee on Penal Laws and Prison Discipline, Report of, Committees (see Commissioners on Uniform State Laws for Com- PAGE 47, 458 31 46, 456 Congress, Universal, of Lawyers and Jurists, Delegates to, 472 Court of Patent Appeals, Resolution Recommending Creation of, 52 47, 458 Delegates, List of,. Registered, Dale, Richard C., Resolution of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws on Death of, Dickinson, J. M., Paper by, 651 8,89 76 11, 335 Digesting, Law (see Law Reporting). Dinner, Annual, Memorandum as to, 101 Dodge, William W., Paper by, 533, 543 Eaton, Amasa M., Address as President of Commissioners on Elective System in Law Schools, Address on, . 570 581 |