Lapas attēli

a reception by the Bar Association of the State of Missouri to yourselves and ladies to-night at the Missouri State Building within these grounds.

And now, members of the American Bar Association, your brethren of Missouri welcome you to its soil.

The President:

The St. Louis Bar Association, of which Colonel Broadhead, Mr. Hitchcock and others were members, antedates the American Bar Association. Judge Rose, Judge Baldwin and Mr. Francis Rawle were among the original members founding this Association, and they are with us on this occasion and they can all testify that in the draft adopted for this Association practically the plan of the St. Louis Bar Association, which was formed in 1874, was followed.

I have the pleasure of now introducing a man well known to you because he is actively connected with our own Association, Chairman of the important committee on the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, which has had in charge the arrangement for the coming Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists, but he is here at this time to speak to you as President of the Bar Association of the city of St. Louis. I present to you Judge Klein.

Jacob Klein, of Missouri:

Mr. President and members of the American Bar Association In the name and on behalf of the St. Louis Bar Association I welcome you to this city. You are in the very midst of a scene which of itself is a splendid picture, which represents the achievements of the human mind and of human activity from the beginning of time; and, as the President of the Exposition management has stated, we lawyers know and feel that the possibility of such an Exposition depended upon law and justice, which to the lawyer are synonymous, and which in fact form the very ligaments of society. We know and feel that without law and without justice, which are the greatest interests of man upon earth, there could be no actual compact, there could be no order, there could be nothing of

the things which are represented before your eyes in this magnificent Exposition. It is not for me to dwell upon these matters. Every one of you feels and knows that the lawyer is interested from the bottom of his heart in the welfare of the people, and that he is strenuously striving to protect and to advance that welfare.

I trust that your deliberations here will, like your deliberations in the past, advance the unification and simplification of the law, and I trust that when we are through with our deliberations here and enter upon the broader field of the work of the Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists we may feel that we have a right to join in the prayer of Robert Burns, when he said

Then let us pray, that come it may,
As come it will, for a' that,
That sense and worth, o'er a' the earth,
May bear the gree, and a' that.

For a' that, and a' that,

It's comin' yet for a' that,

That man to man, the warld o'er,

Shall brothers be for a' that.

The President then delivered the President's address.

(See the Appendix.)

The President:

The next order of business is the nomination and election

of new members.

(See List of New Members.)

The Secretary:

I desire to announce, Mr. President, that I have received credentials of the following delegates.

(See List of Delegates from State and Local Bar A880ciations.)

The President:

The next order of business is the election of the General Council. It is usual to take a recess for a few minutes to enable delegates from the respective states to get together and

agree upon whom they shall name for members of the General Council.

A recess of five minutes was then taken, after which members of the General Council were elected.

(See List of Officers at end of Minutes.)

The President:

Next in order is the report of the Secretary.

John Hinkley, of Maryland, Secretary of the Association, read his report.

(See the Report at end of Minutes.)

The President:

The report of the Treasurer will next be submitted.

Frederick E. Wadhams, of New York, Treasurer of the

Association, read his report.

The President:

The usual course is for the Treasurer's report to be received and referred to an auditing committee. It will take that course as a matter of custom, and the names of the members of the Auditing Committee will be announced later.

(See the Report at end of Minutes.)

The President:

We will now receive the report of the Executive Committee. The report of the Executive Committee was read by the Secretary.

The President:

The report will be accepted and duly filed and printed in

our minutes.

(See the Report at end of Minutes.)

Robert D. Benedict, of New York:

Do I understand aright that the Secretary read the name of Mr. Abner McKinley as a member elected by the committee?

The Secretary :
Yes, sir.

Robert D. Benedict:

But he is dead.

The Secretary:

I was aware of that. He was elected a member of the Association, however, and so his name appears as elected and his death is noted in the report of the Obituary Committee. Ralph W. Breckenridge, of Nebraska:

Mr. President, I wish to offer a resolution amending the Constitution so as to provide for the creation of a standing committee on Insurance Law and move the reference of the resolution to a committee of three, who shall report to the Association when the order of unfinished business is reached whether or not such amendment is desirable.

The President:

The Secretary will read the resolution handed up by the gentleman from Nebraska.

The Secretary (reading):

Resolved, That Article III of the Constitution be amended by inserting near the end of the second paragraph, after the words "Copyright Law," the following words, "On Insurance Law."

Ferdinand Shack, of New York:

I second the motion.

The motion referring the resolution to a committee was adopted.

The President:

The Chair will appoint as the members of the committee authorized under this resolution:

Ralph W. Breckenridge, of Nebraska.
Rodney A. Mercur, of Pennsylvania.
George Whitelock, of Maryland.

A recess was taken until 2.30 P. М.


Monday, September 26, 1904, 2.30 Р. М.

The President called the meeting to order.
New members were then elected.

(See List of New Members.) The President:

It is always pleasant for American lawyers to meet a brother fresh from a great legal contest and to pay him appropriate tribute whether in that contest he was successful or not. We are to be favored now with an address, giving an account of the Alaskan tribunal and of the great case recently decided by it in England. One of our members, Hon. J. M. Dickinson, of Illinois, was a participant in that legal contest, and I have the pleasure of introducing him to you.

J. M. Dickinson, of Illinois, then read his paper on "The Alaskan Boundary Case."

(See the Appendix.)

M. A. Spoonts, of Texas:

Mr. President, I offer the following resolution and move that it be referred to the Executive Committee:

Resolved, That the second paragraph of section 13 of the by-laws be amended by adding thereto the following: Provided further, That the Executive Committee shall have the power to remit such back dues upon the payment by such member of the same dues as a new member is required to pay upon becoming a member of the Association.

B. Mason Ambler, of West Virginia:

I second the resolution.

The motion referring the resolution to the Executive Committee was adopted.

The Association then adjourned to Tuesday, September 27, 1904, at 10 A. М.

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