Third Urgent Deficiency Appropriation Bill for 1946: Hearings ... 79th Congress, 2d Session

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U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946 - 160 lappuses

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109. lappuse - ... budget justifications : Page 1-9. House hearings : No mention. House Report No. 2050: Pages 12-13. "General provisions. — For several years the committee has included authorization for the Administrator to use construction savings in the public buildings construction program to acquire buildings when it is to the advantage of the Government to do so. The Administrator has acquired 20 projects pursuant to this authority by prepayment of lease purchase contracts, negotiation, and condemnation,...
139. lappuse - Those who have had some service in the Regular Army and who have contributed to the support of the home and are unable to earn their own living by reason of sickness, old age, or other disability. COST OF OPERATION OF THE HOME Appropriations for the maintenance and operation of the home are made from the Soldiers' Home permanent fund which is a trust fund.
139. lappuse - Army ; and, third, the 3 percent which we collect from the Treasurer of the United States as interest on the permanent fund in the United States Treasury. The Congress has fixed a limit on the monthly deduction of 25 cents, the exact sum to be deducted to be fixed by the Secretary of the Army. The deduction has been fixed at 10 cents per month since January 1, 1943.
100. lappuse - ... academic year for a student ordered to report for induction while pursuing a course of instruction during the last half of that year at a high school or similar institution of learning; and section 3 defines the age limits for liability for training and service. Although the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended by the act of December 20, 1941 (55 Stat. 844, 845; USC, title 50, app. sees. 302/303), requires the registration of male citizens and residents aged 18 or 19 years,...
87. lappuse - Administration hospitals and homes, and the-' number now under construction; and other data. In view of the size of this summary, it may or may not be inserted in the record, depending upon the desires of the committee. (The summary has been filed with the committee.) PKOPOSF.D CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM General BKADLEY.
32. lappuse - Dispensary and Casualty Hospital EXCERPT FROM CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Mr. LEMON. Before we put that in the record. I want to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation of what you did for the participating hospitals last year. It was a tremendous help here. Another thing that I would like to put in the record, if I may, is a copy of the remarks of the Honorable John W.
77. lappuse - A detailed statement regarding the development of central clearance indexes •was prepared for the hearings before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations on the Independent Offices Appropriations Bill for 1941, and appears elsewhere in this record. Since the time that statement was prepared, however, there have been further developments in the field, as agreements have...
5. lappuse - ... fact that while those are estimated savings at that tune, they will be eliminated or reduced in some instances because of the enactment of Public Law 386 yesterday. ESTIMATED REVENUES, OBLIGATIONS AND DEFICIENCY Mr. CANNON. Well, as I have said, that is merely a matter of mathematical computation. Have you any further general statement you would like to make on this? Mr. STROM. Not unless you desire some information as to the estimates of revenues and expenditures for the year. We now estimate...
5. lappuse - I want to call your attention, Mr. Chairman, to the fact that we are not building the waterway for ocean-going vessels.
150. lappuse - ... place. Mr. Courtney has some legal business that he cannot wind up until Monday, so Mr. Courtney will be put on the payroll effective Monday. I think that is about all that the Policy Subcommittee authorized me to bring up, except that there are two other resolutions, and I now offer these resolutions, which I will ask the clerk to read. (The clerk read the following resolutions:) RESOLUTION Resolved, That there is hereby established by the Committee on Armed Services a Special Subcommittee on...

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