Reclassification of Salaries, Joint Hearings Before the Committees on Civil Service ..., May 17 to June 16, 1921 With Index

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14. lappuse - Such examinations shall be practical in their character, and so far as may be shall relate to those matters which will fairly test the relative capacity and fitness of the persons examined to discharge the duties of the service into which they seek to be appointed.
138. lappuse - The hazards of the employment; (4) The training and skill required; (5) The degree of responsibility; (6) The character and regularity of the employment; and (7) Inequalities of increases in wages or of treatment, the result of previous wage orders or adjustments.
325. lappuse - ... inspection is of a structure suitable for the service in which she is to be employed, has suitable accommodations for passengers and crew, and is in a condition to warrant the belief that she may be used in navigation as a steamer, with safety to life...
344. lappuse - Department may grant thirty days' annual leave with pay in any one year to each clerk or employee: And provided further, That where some member of the immediate family of a clerk or employee is afflicted with a contagious disease and requires the care and attendance of such employee, or where his or her presence in the Department would jeopardize the health of...
325. lappuse - The local inspectors shall, once in every year, at least, carefully inspect the hull of each steam vessel within their respective districts, and shall satisfy themselves that every such vessel so submitted to their inspection is of a structure suitable for the service in which she is to be employed, has suitable accommodations for passengers and the crew, and is in a condition to warrant the belief that she may be used in navigation as a steamer, with safety to life...
474. lappuse - Women may, in the discretion of the head J of any department, be appointed to any of the clerkships therein authorized by law, upon the same requisites and conditions, and with the same compensation, as are prescribed for men.
552. lappuse - ... The professional and scientific service shall include all classes of positions the duties of which are to perform routine, advisory, administrative, or research work which is based upon the established principles of a profession or science, and which requires professional, scientific, or technical training equivalent to that represented by graduation from a college or university of recognized standing.
343. lappuse - There shall be a Governor for each Province who shall be appointed by the President and shall hold office during the pleasure of the President.
696. lappuse - class" means a group of positions to be established under this Act sufficiently similar in respect to the duties and responsibilities thereof that the same requirements as to education, experience, knowledge, and ability are demanded of incumbents, the same tests of fitness are used to choose qualified appointees, and the same schedule of compensation is made to apply with equity.
627. lappuse - ... under whose supervision such employee has served ; and such recommendation by any other person, if made with the knowledge and consent of the employee, shall be sufficient cause for debarring him from the promotion proposed, and a repetition of the offense shall be sufficient cause for removing him from the service.* [EO 209, Mar.

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